- Krishanu Das Baksi, Elijah Soba, John J. Higgins, Ravi Saini, Jaden Wood, Jane Cook, Jack Scott, Nirmala Pudota, Tim Weninger, Edward Bowen, Sanmitra Bhattacharya. MedCodER: A Generative AI Assistant for Medical Coding, NAACL, 2025.
- Yifan Ding, Matthew Facciani, Amrit Poudel, Ellen Joyce, Salvador Aguinaga, Balaji Veeramani, Sanmitra Bhattacharya, Tim Weninger Citations and Trust in LLM Generated Answers AAAI, 2025.
- Niels Mede, Viktoria Cologna, et al., Matthew Facciani, Tim Weninger, et al Trust in scientists and their role in society across 68 countries Nature Human Behavior, 2025
- Niels Mede, Viktoria Cologna, et al., Matthew Facciani, Tim Weninger, et al Perceptions of science, science communication, and climate change attitudes in 68 countries — the TISP dataset Nature Scientific Data, 2024.
- Matthew Facciani, Denisa Apriliawati, Tim Weninger. Playing Gali Fakta inoculates Indonesian participants against false information, Harvard Misinformation Review, 2024.
- Patrick Gerard, Louis Penafiel, Svitlana Volkova, Kristina Lerman, Tim Weninger. Modeling Information Narrative Evolution on Telegram during the Russia-Ukraine War, ICWSM, 2024.
- Karrie J. Koesel, Peitong Reinoso, Adnan Hoq, Tim Weninger. The Propagandist’s Global Playbook, American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA September 5-8, 2024.
- Yifan Ding, Tim Weninger. ChatEL: Entity Linking with Chatbots, International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING), pages 3086–3097. Turin, Italy, May 2024.
- Amrit Poudel, Tim Weninger. Navigating the Post-API Dilemma, TheWebConf. Singapore, May 2024.
- Nicholas Botzer, David Vazquez, Tim Weninger, Issam Laradji. TK-KNN: A Balanced Distance-Based Pseudo Labeling Approach for Semi-Supervised Intent Classification, Findings of EMNLP. December 2023.
- Justus I. Hibshman, Tim Weninger Inherent Limits on Topology-Based Link Prediction, Trans. on Machine Learning Research, June 2023.
- Trenton Ford, Rachel Krohn, Tim Weninger. Competition Dynamics in the Meme Ecosystem ACM Transaction on Social Computing, vol 6, no 3-4. October 2023.
- Trenton Ford, Michael Yankoski, Matthew Facciani, Tim Weninger. Online Media Literacy Intervention in Indonesia Reduces Misinformation Sharing Intention Journal of Media Literacy Education, vol 15, no 2. 2023.
- Nicholas Botzer, Shawn Gu, Tim Weninger Analysis of Moral Judgement on Reddit, IEEE Trans. on Computational Social Sciences, vol 10, no 3. June 2023.
- Nicholas Botzer, Tim Weninger. Entity Graphs for Exploring Online Discourse Knowledge and Information Systems, 2023.
- Patrick Gerard, Nicholas Botzer, Tim Weninger. The Truth Social Dataset International Conference on the Web and Social Media (ICWSM), Cyprus, 2023.
- William Theisen, Dan Gonzalez, Zachariah Carmichael, Daniel Moreira, Tim Weninger and Walter Scheirer. Motif Mining: Finding and Summarizing Remixed Image Content Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Waikoloa, Hawaii, January 3-7, 2023.
- Nicholas Botzer, Sameera Horawalavithana, Tim Weninger, Svitlana Volkova. Lessons from Developing Multimodal Models with Code and Developer Interactions. I Can’t Believe It’s Not Better Workshop at Neural Information Processing Systems (ICBINB@NeurIPS), New Orleans, November 28-December 9, 2022.
- Yifan Ding, Yan Liang, Nasser Zalmout, Xian Li, Christan Grant and Tim Weninger. Ask-and-Verify: Span Candidate Generation and Verification for Attribute Value Extraction Empirical Methods for Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), Abu Dhabi, December 7-11, 2022.
- Yifan Ding, Nicholas Botzer, Tim Weninger. Posthoc Verification and the Fallibility of the Ground Truth NAACL Workshop on Dynamic Adversarial Data Collection, July 10-15, 2022.
- Peixian Liang, Yizhe Zhang, Yifan Ding, Chinedu S. Madukoma, Tim Weninger, Joshua D. Shrout, and Danny Z. Chen H-EMD: A Hierarchical Earth Mover’s Distance Method for Instance Segmentation, IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging (TMI), vol 41, no 10, 2022.
- Rachel Krohn, Tim Weninger Subreddit Links Drive Community Creation and User Engagement on Reddit, Proceedings of the International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), to appear, 2022.
- Pamela Bilo Thomas, Clark Hogan-Taylor, Michael Yankoski, Tim Weninger Pilot study suggests online media literacy programming reduces belief in false news in Indonesia, First Monday, 27(1), 2022.
- Satyaki Sikdar, Daniel Gonzalez, Trenton Ford, Tim Weninger The Infinity Mirror Test for Graph Models, IEEE Trans. on Knowledge Discovery and Engineering (TKDE), 2022.
- Satyaki Sikdar, Neil Shah, Tim Weninger Attributed Graph Modeling with Vertex Replacement Grammars, Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM), March 2022.
- Trenton W. Ford, Michael Yankoski, William Theisen, Tom Henry, Farah Khashman, Katherine R. Dearstyne, Pamela Bilo Thomas, Tim Weninger MEWS: Real-time Social Media Manipulation Detection and Analysis, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), December 2021.
- Michael Yankoski, Walter J. Scheirer, Tim Weninger Meme Warfare: AI countermeasures to disinformation should focus on popular, not perfect, fakes. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, vol 77:3. pp. 119-123, May 2021.
- Pamela Bilo Thomas, Daniel Riehm, Maria Glenski, and Tim Weninger Behavior Change in Response to Subreddit Bans and External Events IEEE Trans. on Computational Social Sciences vol 8:4, pp 809-818, 2021
- Nicholas Botzer, Yifan Ding, Tim Weninger Reddit Entity Linking Dataset. Information Processing and Management, vol 58:3, 2021
- Yifan Ding, Nicholas Botzer, Tim Weninger HetSeq: Distributed GPU Training on Heterogeneous Infrastructure. Proc. of Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Innovative Application of Artificial Intelligence, February 2021.
- Justus Hibshman, Daniel Gonzalez, Satyaki Sikdar, Tim Weninger Joint Subgraph-to-Subgraph Transitions – Generalizing Triadic Closure for Powerful and Interpretable Graph Modeling. Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM), March 2021.
- William Theisen, Joel Brogan, Pamela Bilo Thomas, Daniel Moreira, Pascal Phoa, Tim Weninger, Walter J. Scheirer Automatic Discovery of Political Meme Genres with Diverse Appearances. Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), January 2021.
- Qingkai Zeng, Wenhao Yu, Mengxia Yu, Meng Jiang, Tim Weninger TriTrain: Automatic Pre-fine Tuning between Pre-training and Fine-tune Training for SciNER. Findings in EMNLP, November 2020.
- Pamela Bilo Thomas, Tim Weninger Deploying a Media Literacy Intervention — a Case Study in Indonesia. Conference for Truth and Trust Online, October 2020.
- Walter J. Scheirer, Tim Weninger, Michael Yankoski An AI early warning system to monitor online disinformation, stop violence, and protect elections. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, vol 76:2. March 2020.
- Baoxu Shi, Jaewon Yang, Tim Weninger, Jing How, and Qi He Representation Learning in Heterogeneous Professional Social Networks with Ambiguous Social Connections. IEEE Conference on Big Data (BigData), December 2019.
- Justus Hibshman, Satyaki Sikdar and Tim Weninger Towards Interpretable Graph Modeling with Vertex Replacement Grammars. IEEE Conference on Big Data (BigData), December 2019.
- Rachel Krohn and Tim Weninger Modeling Online Comment Threads from their Start. IEEE Conference on Big Data (BigData), December 2019.
- Yifan Ding, Daheng Wang, Tim Weninger, and Meng Jiang Preserving Composition and Crystal Structures of Chemical Compounds in Atomic Embedding. IEEE Conference on Big Data (BigData) (Poster), December 2019.
- Satyaki Sikdar, Justus Hibshman and Tim Weninger Modeling graphs with Vertex Replacement Grammars. International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), November 2019. (also presented at NetSci and SIAM Workshop on Network Science)
- Pamela Bilo Thomas, Rachel Krohn and Tim Weninger Dynamics of Team Library Adoptions: An Exploration of GitHub Commit Logs. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), September 2019. (Long paper version available here)
- Rachel Krohn and Tim Weninger Library Adoption in Public Software Repositories. Journal of Big Data, vol 6:36. 2019.
- Jim Blythe, John Bollenbacher, Diana Huang, Pik-Mai Hui, Rachel Krohn, Diogo Pacheco, Goran Muric, Anna Sapienza, Alexey Tregubov, Yong-Yeol Ahn, Alessandro Flammini, Kristina Lerman, Fil Menczer, Tim Weninger and Emilio Ferrara. Massive Multi-Agent Data-Driven Simulations of the GitHub Ecosystem. International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS), 2019.
- Salvador Aguinaga, David Chiang, and Tim Weninger Learning Hyperedge Replacement Graph Grammars for Graph Generation. IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), 625-638, vol 41. 2019.
- Daniel Hungerman, Kevin Rinz, Tim Weninger, and Chungeun Yoon. Political Campaigns and Church Contributions. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 155, 403-426. 2018.
- Maria Glenski, Greg Stoddard, Paul Resnick, and Tim Weninger GuessTheKarma: A Game to Assess Social Rating Systems. Proc. of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW) 2018.
- Daniel Hungerman, Kevin Rinz, Tim Weninger, and Chungeun Yoon. Religious Leadership, Religious Language, and Religious Giving: A Study of Church Bulletins. Handbook chapter for Advances in the Economics of Religion, Palgrave 2018.
- Maria Glenski, Svitlana Volkova, and Tim Weninger. How Humans versus Bots React to Deceptive and Trusted News Sources: A Case Study of Active Users. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), September 2018.
- Xinyi Wang, Salvador Aguinaga, Tim Weninger and David Chiang. Growing Better Graphs With Latent-Variable Probabilistic Graph Grammars. SIGKDD Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs (MLG), August 2018.
- Maria Glenski, Svitlana Volkova, and Tim Weninger. Identifying and Understanding User Reactions to Deceptive and Trusted Social News Sources. Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL), July 2018.
- Corey Pennycuff, Satyaki Sikdar, Catalina Vajiac, David Chiang, and Tim Weninger. Synchronous Hyperedge Replacement Graph Grammars. International Conference in Graph Transformation (ICGT), June 2018.
- Baoxu Shi and Tim Weninger Visualizing the Flow of Discourse with a Concept Ontology. Proc. of Conference on the World Wide Web (WWW), Lyon, France. 2018.
- Baoxu Shi and Tim Weninger Open-World Knowledge Graph Completion. Proc. of Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), New Orleans, LA. 2018.
- Zhou Zhao, Qifan Yang, Hanqing Lu, Tim Weninger, Deng Cai, Xiaofei He and Yueting Zhuang Community-based Movie Recommendation via Multimodal Network Learning. IEEE Trans. on Multimedia 20(2), 430-440. 2018.
- Maria Glenski, Corey Pennycuff, and Tim Weninger Consumers and Curators: Browsing and Voting Patterns on Reddit. IEEE Trans. on Computational Social Sciences 4(4), 196-206. 2017.
- Maria Glenski and Tim Weninger Predicting User-Interactions on Reddit. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), Sydney, August, 2017.
- Corey Pennycuff, Salvador Aguinaga and Tim Weninger A Temporal Tree Decomposition for Generating Temporal Graphs. SIGKDD Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs, Halifax, Nova Scotia, August, 2017.
- Salvador Aguinaga, Corey Pennycuff and Tim Weninger Principled Structure Extraction as a Model for Network Growth. NetSci Conference, Indianapolis, IN, June 21-23, 2017. (Poster)
- Baoxu Shi, Lin Yang and Tim Weninger Forward Backward Similarity Search in Knowledge Networks. Knowledge Based Systems, 119(1), 20–31. 2017.
- Baoxu Shi and Tim Weninger ProjE: Embedding Projection for Knowledge Graph Completion. Proc. of Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), San Francisco, CA. 2017.
- Maria Glenski and Tim Weninger Rating Effects on Social News Posts and Comments. ACM Trans. Intelligent Systems and Tech (TIST). 8(6), 78, 2017.
- Corey Pennycuff and Tim Weninger Striations in PageRank-Ordered Matrices. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 6(1), 1-17, 2017.
- Salvador Aguinaga, Rodrigo Palacios, David Chiang, and Tim Weninger Growing Graphs with Hyperedge Replacement Graph Grammars. International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), Indianapolis, IN, October 2016.
- Salvador Aguinaga and Tim Weninger The Infinity Mirror Test for Analyzing the Robustness of Graph Generators. ACM International Conference on Knowledge Discovery in Data Mining (SIGKDD) Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs, San Francisco, CA, August 2016.
- Glenn Osborne and Tim Weninger Ozy: A General Orchestration Container. IEEE International Conference on Web Services, San Francisco, CA, July 2016.
- Baoxu Shi and Tim Weninger Discriminative Predicate Path Mining for Fact Checking in Knowledge Graphs. Knowledge Based Systems, 104(15), 123-133, 2016.
- Baoxu Shi and Tim Weninger Fact Checking in Heterogeneous Information Networks. International Conference on the World Wide Web (WWW), Montreal, Canada. April 2016.
- Baoxu Shi and Tim Weninger Scalable Models for Computing Hierarchies in Information Networks. Knowledge and Information Systems. 49(2), 687–717, 2016.
- Salvador Aguinaga, Aditya Nambiar, Zuozhu Liu, Tim Weninger Concept Hierarchies and Human Navigation. IEEE Conference on BigData Santa Clara, CA. October 29, 2015.
- Tim Weninger, Rodrigo Palacios, Valter Crescenzi, Thomas Gottron and Paolo Merialdo Web Content Extraction – a Meta-Analysis of its Past and Thoughts on its Future. ACM SIGKDD Explorations 17(2):17-23 2015.
- Robert Ryan McCune, Tim Weninger, and Gregory Madey Thinking Like a Vertex: a Survey of Vertex-Centric Frameworks for Distributed Graph Processing. ACM Computing Surveys 48(2):25, November 2015.
- Corey Pennycuff and Tim Weninger Fast, Exact Graph Diameter Computation with Vertex Programming. ACM International Conference on Knowledge Discovery in Data Mining (SIGKDD) Workshop on High Performance Graph Mining Sydney, Australia, August 10, 2015.
- Maria Glenski, Thomas J. Johnston and Tim Weninger Random Voting Effects in Social-Digital Spaces: A case study of Reddit Post Submissions. ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (Hypertext), METU, Cyprus, September 1-4, 2015.
- Corey Pennycuff and Tim Weninger Striations in PageRank-Ordered Adjacency Matrices. NetSci Conference, Zaragoza, Spain, June 3-6, 2015. (Poster)
- Baoxu Shi and Tim Weninger Mining Interesting Meta-Paths from Complex Heterogeneous Information Networks. International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) Designing Market of Data, Shenzhen, China, December 14-17, 2014.
- P. W. McBurney, C. Liu, Colin McMillan, and Tim Weninger Improving Topic Model Source Code Summarization. International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC), Hyderabad, India, June 2-3 2014.
- Tim Weninger. An Exploration of Submissions and Discussions in Social News – Mining Collective Intelligence of Reddit. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 4:173 (2014).
- Tim Weninger, Corey Pennycuff. On Typed-Paths in Multi-Typed Information Networks. Proceedings of the 2013 Workshop on Information Networks (WIN 2013), October 2013, New York City, NY.
- Tim Weninger, Xihao Avi Zhu, Jiawei Han. An Exploration of Discussion Threads in Social News Sites: A Case Study of the Reddit Community. Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2013), August 2013, Niagra Falls, Canada. Selected for inclusion as book chapter in “Lecture Notes in Social Networks”
- Tim Weninger, Jiawei Han. Information Network Analysis and Extraction on the World Wide Web. Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW 2013), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 2013. Slides
- Fangbo Tao, Xiao Yu, Kin Hou Lei, George Brova, Xiao Cheng, Jiawei Han, Rucha Kanade, Yizhou Sun, Chi Wang, Lidan Wang, Tim Weninger. Research-Insight: Providing Insight on Research by Publication Network Analysis. Proceedings of the 2013 ACM International Conference on Management of data (SIGMOD 2013), June 2013, New York City, New York
- Tim Weninger, Thomas J. Johnston, Jiawei Han. The Parallel Path Framework for Entity Discovery on the Web. ACM Transactions on the Web (TWeb), 7(3):16 (2013).
- Tim Weninger, Jiawei Han. Exploring structure and content on the web: extraction and integration of the semi-structured web. Proceedings of the 2013 ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, February 2013, Rome, Italy. Slides
- Tim Weninger, Yonatan Bisk, Jiawei Han. Document-topic hierarchies from document graphs. Proceedings of the 21st ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2012), October 2012, Maui, Hawaii.
- Tim Weninger, ChengXiang Zhai, Jiawei Han. Building enriched web page representations using link paths. Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and social media (HT 2012), June 2012, Milwaukee, WI.
- Marina Barsky, Sangkyum Kim, Tim Weninger, Jiawei Han. Mining Flipping Correlations from Transactional Databases. Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (PVLDB) 5(4):370-381., August 2012, Istabbul, Turkey.
- Jianbin Huang, Heli Sun, Yaguang Liu, Qinbao Song, Tim Weninger. Towards Online Multiresolution Community Detection in Large-Scale Networks. PLoS ONE 6(8): e23829, Aug. 2011.
- Sangkyum Kim, Hyungsul Kim, Tim Weninger, Jiawei Han, Hyun Duk Kim. Authorship classification: a discriminative syntactic tree mining approach. Proceedings of the 34th ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and development in Information Retrieval, (SIGIR 2011), July 2011, Beijing, China.
- Tim Weninger, Marina Danilevsky, Fabio Fumarola, Joshua Hailpern, Jiawei Han, Thomas J. Johnston, Surya Kallumadi, Hyungsul Kim, Zhijin Li, David McCloskey, Yizhou Sun, Nathan E. TeGrotenhuis, Chi Wang, Xiao Yu. WINACS: construction and analysis of web-based computer science information networks. Proceedings of the International Conference on Management of data, (SIGMOD 2011), June 2011, Athens, Greece.
- Fabio Fumarola, Tim Weninger, Rick Barber, Donato Malerba, Jiawei Han. Extracting General Lists from Web Documents: A Hybrid Approach. Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems Part I(LNAI 6703):285-294 (IEA/AIE 2011), June 2011, Syracuse, New York.
- Tim Weninger, Fabio Fumarola, Cindy Xide Lin, Rick Barber, Jiawei Han, Donato Malerba. Growing parallel paths for entity-page discovery. Proceedings of the 20st ACM International Conference on World wide web (WWW 2011), March 2011, Hyderabad, India.
- Fabio Fumarola, Tim Weninger, Rick Barber, Donato Malerba, Jiawei Han. HyLiEn: a hybrid approach to general list extraction on the web. Proceedings of the 20st ACM International Conference on World wide web (WWW 2011), March 2011, Hyderabad, India.
- Tim Weninger, Fabio Fumarola, Rick Barber, Jiawei Han, Donato Malerba. Unexpected results in automatic list extraction on the web. ACM SIGKDD Explorations, 12(2):26-30, 2012.
- Tim Weninger, Fabio Fumarola, Jiawei Han, Donato Malerba. Mapping web pages to database records via link paths. Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Information and knowledge management, (CIKM 2010), October 2010, Toronto, Canada.
- Hyungsul Kim, Sangkyum Kim, Tim Weninger, Jiawei Han, Tarek Abdelzaher. NDPMine: Efficiently Mining Discriminative Numerical Features for Pattern-Based Classification. Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD 2010), Part II(LNCS 6322):35-50, September 2010, Barcelona, Spain.
- Tim Weninger, Surya Ramachandran, Daniel Greene, Jack Hart, Anand Kancherlapalli, William H. Hsu, Jiawei Han. Speech-Assisted Radiology System for Retrieval, Reporting and Annotation. ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2010), July 2010, Washington DC.
- Sangkyum Kim, Hyungsul Kim, Tim Weninger, Jiawei Han. Authorship classification: a syntactic tree mining approach. Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Useful Patterns (KDD-UP 2010), July 2010, Washington DC.
- Zhijun Yin, Manish Gupta, Tim Weninger, Jiawei Han. A Unified Framework for Link Recommendation Using Random Walks. International Conference on Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2010), August 2010, Odense, Denmark.
- Tim Weninger, William H. Hsu, Jiawei Han. CETR: content extraction via tag ratios. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on World wide web (WWW 2010), April 2010, Raleigh, NC.
- Zhijun Yin, Manish Gupta, Tim Weninger, Jiawei Han. LINKREC: a unified framework for link recommendation with user attributes and graph structure. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on World wide web (WWW 2010), April 2010, Raleigh, NC.
- Cindy Xide Lin, Bo Zhao, Tim Weninger, Jiawei Han, Bing Liu. Entity relation discovery from web tables and links. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on World wide web (WWW 2010), April 2010, Raleigh, NC.
- Tim Weninger, Daniel Greene, Jack Hart, William H. Hsu, Surya Ramachandran. Speech-Assisted Radiology System for Retrieval, Reporting and Annotation. Proceedings of the Conference on Computer-based Medical Systems (CBMS 2009), August 2009, Albuquerque, NM.
- Tim Weninger, William H. Hsu, Jing Xia, Waleed Aljandal. An evolutionary approach to constructive induction for link discovery. Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation (GECCO 2009), March 2009, Montreal, Canada.
- Janis Crow, Tim Weninger. Creating interactive and dynamic choice experiments. Proceedings of the 29th Conference of the Society of Judgement and Decision Making (JDM 2008), 2008, Chicago, IL.
- Waleed Al-Jandal, William H. Hsu, Vikas Bahirwani, Doina Caragea, Tim Weninger. Validation-Based Normalization and Selection of Interestingness Measures for Association Rules. International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering (ANNIE 2008), November 2008, St. Louis, MO.
- William H. Hsu, Tim Weninger, Martin Samuel Rao Paradesi. Predicting Links and Link Change in Friends Networks. International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering (ANNIE 2008), November 2008, St. Louis, MO.
- Tim Weninger, William H. Hsu. Web Content Extraction Through Histogram Clustering. International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering (ANNIE 2008), November 2008, St. Louis, MO.
- Tim Weninger, William H. Hsu. Text Extraction from the Web via Text-To-Tag Ratio. Proceedings from the International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications’ Workshop on Text Information Retrieval (DEXA-TIR 2008), , September 2008, Turin, Italy.
- William H. Hsu, Joseph Lancaster, Martin S.R. Paradesi, Tim Weninger. Structural Link Analysis from User Profiles and Friends Networks: A Feature Construction Approach. Proceedings from the 1st International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM 2007), March 2007, Boulder, CO.
- William H. Hsu, Andrew King, Martin S.R. Paradesi, Tejawsi Pydimarri, Tim Weninger. Collaborative And Structural Recommendation Of Friends Using Weblog-Based Social Network Analysis. AAAI Conference on Computational Approaches to Analyzing Weblogs (AAAI-CAAW 2006), March 2006, Stanford, CA.
Fellowship Essays
I was fortunate to apply for and win the NSF GRFP and the NDSEF Graduate Fellowship. Looking back on these essays is a bit cringy, but I leave them so that they might help others in their applications.
Research Experience
Personal Statement
Research Proposal
Discovering Roles and Types from Hierarchical Information Networks
Masters Thesis
Link discovery in very large graphs by constructive induction using genetic programming.