Transaction Logging

The Log

An append-only file containing log records

Note: multiple transactions run concurrently, log records are interleaved

After a system crash, use log to:

  • Redo some transaction that did commit.
  • Undo other transactions that did not commit.

Book was a bit relaxed in how it showed reads and writes: there are also input and output

  • Read and write take data from memory into transaction memory;
  • Input and output take data from memory to disk

Log records

  • <START T>
    • transaction T has begun
  • <COMMIT T>
    • T has committed
  • <ABORT T>
    • T has aborted
  • <T,X,v>
    • T has updated element X, and its old value was v

Undo Logging

  • U1: If T modifies X, then <T,X,v> entry must be written to log before X is written to disk
  • U2: If T commits, then <COMMIT T> must be put to log after all changes by T are written to disk

Hence: OUTPUTs are done early (before commit)

ActiontMem AMem BDisk ADisk BLOG
    88<START T>
INPUT(A) 8 88 
r1(A,t)88 88 
t=t*2168 88 
w1(A,t)1616 88<T,A,8>
      <COMMIT T>

UNDO Recovery

After system’s crash, run recovery manager

1. Decide for each transaction T whether it is completed or not

<START T>….<COMMIT T>….       = yes

<START T>….<ABORT T>…….        = yes

<START T>………………………             = no

2. Undo all modifications by incomplete transactions

To do this:

Read log from the end; cases:

  • <COMMIT T>:    mark T as completed
  • <ABORT T>: mark T as completed
  • <T,X,v>: if T is not completed

then write X=v to disk

else ignore /* committed or aborted xact. */

  • <START T>: ignore

Note: all undo commands are idempotent

  • If we perform them a second time, no harm is done
  • E.g. if there is a system crash during recovery, simply restart recovery from scratch


When do we stop reading the log ?

  • We cannot stop until we reach the beginning of the log file
  • This is impractical
  • Better idea: use checkpointing

Checkpoint the database periodically

  • Stop accepting new transactions
  • Wait until all current transactions complete
  • Flush log to disk
  • Write a <CKPT> log record, flush
  • Resume transactions

This is called Quiescent Checkpointing  (quies – latin for “at rest”)

  • Problem with checkpointing: database freezes during checkpoint
  • Would like to checkpoint while database is operational called:

Nonquiescent checkpointing

Write a <START CKPT(T1,…,Tk)> where T1,…,Tk are all active transactions

Continue normal operation

When all of T1,…,Tk have completed, write <END CKPT>

Q – why do we need the <END CKPT>?

A – to know when the T4,T5,T6 have committed
so we don’t have to undo T4, T5, T6 Txn

Redo Logging

  • <START T> = transaction T has begun
  • <COMMIT T> = T has committed
  • <ABORT T>= T has aborted
  • <T,X,v>= T has updated element X, and its new value is v

1: If T modifies X, then both <T,X,v> and <COMMIT T> must be written to disk before X is written to disk Hence: OUTPUTs are done late (after commit)

ActionTMem AMem BDisk ADisk BLOG
    88<START T>
INPUT(A) 8 88 
r1(A,t)88 88 
t=t*2168 88 
w1(A,t)1616 88<T,A,16>
      <COMMIT T>

Recovery with Redo Log

After system’s crash, run recovery manager

Step 1. Decide for each transaction T whether it is completed or not

  • <START T>….<COMMIT T>….      = yes
  • <START T>….<ABORT T>…….        = yes
  • <START T>………………………             = no

Step 2. Read log from the beginning, redo all updates of committed transactions

Nonquiescent Checkpointing

Same as before

Redo Recovery with nonquiescent checkpointing

UNDO vs REDO Logging

Undo logging:

  • OUTPUT must be done early
  • If <COMMIT T> is seen, T definitely has written all its data to disk (hence, don’t need to undo)

Redo logging

  • OUTPUT must be done late
  • If <COMMIT T> is not seen, T definitely has not written any of its data to disk (hence there is not dirty data on disk)

Would like more flexibility on when to OUTPUT (OS calls are expensive): undo/redo logging (next)


<T,X,u,v>= T has updated element X, its old value was u, and its new value is v

UR1: If T modifies X, then <T,X,u,v> must be written to disk before X is written to disk

  • Note: we are free to OUTPUT early or late (I.e. before or after <COMMIT T>)
ActiontMem AMem BDisk ADisk BLOG
    88<START T>
INPUT(A) 8 88 
r1(A,t)88 88 
t=t*2168 88 
w1(A,t)1616 88<T,A,8,16>
      <COMMIT T>

Undo/Redo Recovery

After system’s crash, run recovery manager

  • Redo all committed transaction, top-down
  • Undo all uncommitted transactions, bottom-up