Over the course of history science has fractured into a taxonomy of disciplines and subdisciplines.
Computing emerged in the 1960s as “the study of phenomena related to computers” [Newell, Perlis and Simon, 1967]
What do we mean when we say we study computing?
But is that all? What is computing? How do we define it as a discipline?
- Computer Science is the study and management of complexity [Dijkstra, 1976]
- The discipline of Computing is the systematic study of algorithmic processes that describe and transform information: their theory, analysis, design, efficiency, implementation, and application [Denning, 1985]
- Computer Science is the mechanization of abstraction [Aho and Ullman, 1992]
- Computer Science is a field of study that is concerned with theoretical and applied disciplines in the development and use of computers for information storage and processing, mathematics, logic, science, and many other areas [Mahoney, 2001]
“Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes.”
“Biology is not about microscopes, and computer science is not about computers.”
“Computer science” is a terrible name. Astronomy is not called “telescope science”, and biology is not called “microscope science”.
(mostly attributed to Djikstra)
Computer science is in part a scientific discipline concerned with the empirical study of a class of phenomena, in part a mathematical discipline concerned with the formal properties of certain classes of abstract structures, and in part a technological discipline concerned with the cost-effective design and construction of commercially and socially valuable products [Wegner, 1971]
Since its beginnings in the late 1930s, computer science has been a unique combination of math, engineering, and science. It is not one, but all three. [Denning]
Where does the study of computing occur?
- University
- Business
- Computing Societies
- Basements and Garages
What is a university? Why does it exists?
- Church
- Morrill Land Grant Act
Let’s talk about University organization, faculty, staff, administration, students
Who pays for Research and Why?
US Government (why?)
- DoJ
- DoE (AI Institutes)
Professional Organizations
- ACM (SIGs)